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In this modern age people fancy innovative and unique things. Gone are the days when you could captivate your consumers with a shining colorful static billboard on the roadside or with a few catchy lines in the newspaper ad. Everyday life of the individuals has become so full of activities that traditional type of advertising is losing its eminence. Internet advertising or online advertising also has its limitations, especially when it comes to hitting the core audience. Is there any other solution? Yes, airplane advertising. If you want to express your feelings or promote your brand or service, aerial advertising can do it in a masterful way.

Let us understand what advertising is, and then we can figure out how aerial advertising has an edge over its competitors. Advertising is a form of communication to persuade your consumers (sometimes also called audience i.e. viewers, readers, listeners) to buy your products or take some action on deals or services you offer. Advertising usually highlights name of your brand, product or service and what are benefits that it offers to the consumers. Advertising has been acknowledged as one of the most important businesses’ needs since the late 19th century because no matter how good your product is, it will not attract mass consumers until you advertise it properly.

Traditional advertising makes use of traditional media i.e. newspaper, radio and TV while online or new style of advertising is done via internet and text messages. During the last three quarters of 2009 older media suffered huge declines: TV 10.1%, Radio 11.7%, Magazines 14.8% and newspapers 18.7%. Online advertisement has created hype in the last couple of decades but it has its own limitations.

With airplane banners your ads are presented to the potential consumers in the most effective and catchy manner. There are different options how your advertising message is presented to the consumers via aerial advertising i.e. an airplane flying in the air with an aerial billboard, letter banner or a logo board, blimps and skywriting. To find out the advantages of aerial advertising over traditional and online advertising, read the following lines.

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